I'm the only one in this house that enjoys smoked salmon. Aside from the occasional visit from my mother who would be my accomplice for this treat, my real partner in crime used to be a cute, furry little feline friend. His name was Yoshi. Named by my oldest (it was actually her cat) but after she moved away, he stayed and after 19 years, he was definitely an old friend. He sadly passed away 6 months ago. Funny enough, I was thinking of him really hard yesterday. I was clearing some pictures from my super full laptop and there it was pictures of Yoshi, politely waiting at the table to share smoked salmon with me.
I miss him but it's easy now. One of the last memorable smoked salmon treat I had was with this little guy and thankfully pictures were taken. The best part of it (aside from the fact that it was so freaking delicious), was definitely the sharing. I loved how he sat next to me so patiently, waiting for me to choose the right plate, waiting while I took some pictures, waiting while I switched plates, waiting for that special bite and then finally having me sitting by his side to share and indulge.
He loved the cream cheese just as much. A nice break for me which meant I had time to make little bites for myself and feed him in between.
Thanks for the memories, Yoshi.